Korea : Reporters from China visit the Korean HQ 2009.08.20
Reporters from China visit the Korean HQ

On 11th Aug, 11 reporters from main Chinese press visited the Korean HQ. The reporters including the department head of BTV, Wang Chunyuan and Wang Haijuan of Beijing Evening arrived in Korea on 10th Sep and after a quick tour of Seoul, visited the Cheonan HQ on the next day. The purpose of their visit was to report about CERAGEM, which is well known in China for its good public work and for great health products. They greeted with president of Korean operation, So-Hyun Roh and other executives, and rounded off the whole visit after an excursion of the production line and a photo shoot.

Korea : The China Branch Agents Visit the Korean Operation   2009.08.15  
Korea : CERAGEM Research Center UL WTDP & CB-TMP Lab Certification   2009.09.14